Wednesday, November 30, 2016

ResilioSync (ex BtSync) and BTRFS snapshots

Just a word of caution if you're using ResilioSync (former BTSync) and the "SnapshotReplicator" (BTRFS) and have "make snapshots visible"-option enabled. ResilioSync will sync the "#snapshots" directory aswell and you most likely wouldn't want that (your sync-destinations will run out of diskspace!) I've discussed this "feature" with Resilio but they have no intentions of fixing it so you have to manually configure the "#snapshot" folder to be skipped. To do this, go to your Synced-folder and check out the ".sync"-folder. Here you have a file called "IgnoreList". Open this with your favourite texteditor and add a line like this: "?snapshot" (without the " of course). This will make ResilioSync to skip the snapshot-folder.


  1. thanks for documenting this, I came across the same issue recently. I note that resilio document this now:

    however, that document also states that you can provide paths as well. Given that the snapshot directories are always in the root of the shared folder, I edited the entry in the ignorelist to:


    This then doesn't match any other file or folder, so if you have one called "asnapshot" this will get sync'd whereas using the ? wildcard it won't. Seems to work for me ...

  2. vThanks For Sharing, Here New Version Available;
